Showing posts from January, 2022

Puppy "Toy"

Any port in a storm I guess...

Teaching Goldfish To Drive

Israeli researchers decided to teach goldfish how to drive . Turns out they can drive pretty wel…


I'll have a latte for dine-in. Size? Toilet sized!

The Rock-topus!

There's not a whole lot I can add, enjoy this photo of a 3D printed Dwayne Johnson as an octop…

Hondas Hit By 2022 Bug

Pretty much all 2008 - 2013 model year Hondas and Accuras have a feature where the navigation clo…

BMW now has colour changing paint

BMW displayed their new c olour changing paint at CES. It uses e-ink similar to what the Pebble wat…

10 Logical Fallacies to Avoid

Logical fallacies are ubiquitous these days and you don't want to add more to the heap.  Side…

Canada's Pandemic Surveillance

The Canadian gubment, enabled by Telus, tracked 33M Canadian devices' movements by analysing ce…

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